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28. GO and debug concurrency [Cookbook]

Date: 2023-11-12




We need to debug concurrency in Go. We have a lot of tools for this. But we need to know how to use them.


We write a Cookbook for this.


Recipe 1: Using Middleware to Specify pprof Labels



  1. Preparation: Begin by integrating pprof into your application. Ensure it is properly imported and initialized within your codebase.

  2. Middleware Integration: Create a new middleware function. This function should inject pprof labels into your HTTP/gRPC handlers.

  3. Labeling Logic: Within the middleware, define the logic to generate meaningful labels for each request. These labels can be based on request parameters, endpoints, or other relevant data.

  4. Applying Middleware: Attach this middleware to your HTTP/gRPC server. Ensure it wraps around the necessary handlers to capture all desired traffic. You can find the implementation of the middleware in our codebase here for HTTP and here for gRPC.

  5. Testing: Test your application to ensure that the middleware correctly applies labels and that pprof captures these labels as expected.

Serving Suggestions

Recipe 2: Recording a Session on a Remote Server and Local Debugging



  1. Remote Preparation: Set up your remote Go application to run under Delve with rr mode enabled. This setup should allow the application to record its execution.

  2. Starting the Recording: Initiate a recording session on the remote server. This can be triggered manually or automatically based on specific conditions.

  3. Completing the Session: Once sufficient data is collected, or the issue is replicated, end the recording session. Ensure the recorded data is saved in a retrievable format.

  4. Retrieval: Transfer the recorded session data from the remote server to your local machine. This can be done via secure file transfer protocols.

  5. Local Replay: Using Delve on your local machine, replay the recorded session. Utilize Delve’s debugging tools to step through the execution, inspect state, and identify issues.

Serving Suggestions

Recipe 3: Use uber/goleak in TestMain for Goroutine Leak Detection



  1. Preparation: Begin by importing the uber/goleak package into your codebase. Ensure it is properly initialized within your TestMain function.
  func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
  1. Testing: Run your tests as usual. uber/goleak will detect any goroutine leaks and report them to the console.

Serving Suggestions

Recipe 4: Using special libraries for work with concurrency


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