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10. Docker tips [Cookbook]

Date: 2024-02-21




We have a GitLab CI/CD pipeline that builds and tests our application in a Docker container. We want to speed up the build process by caching the Docker layers.


Recipe 1: Using external cache in a multi-platform Dockerfile

This recipe optimizes Docker builds for multi-platform environments, ensuring efficient use of caching and external dependencies.

graph TD;
  APP_ENV("$APP_ENV decision point") -->|ci| CI_Builder["CI Builder as Cache"]
  APP_ENV -->|development| Development_Builder["Development Builder as Cache"]
  CI_Builder --> Production["Production Image"]
  Development_Builder --> Production

# Base stage: Install dependencies only when needed
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM node:23.0.0-alpine AS development-builder

# Development build stage: Copy over only necessary files for production
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM development-builder AS cache
COPY --from=development-builder /app/packages/next/out /app/out

# Cache stage: Prepare artifacts for production without additional dependencies.
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM alpine:3.19 AS ci-builder
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM ${APP_ENV}-builder AS cache

COPY ./boundaries/ui-monorepo/packages/next/out /app/out

# Production image: use cache from development or CI layers
COPY --from=cache /app/out ./next

Recipe 2: Lazy pulling stargz/eStargz base images